About Us


The Waveland Women’s Golf Association has been active for over 70 years and plays on the oldest and one of the most beautiful public courses west of the Mississippi.   

The goal of the WWGA is to provide social and networking opportunities for their members.  All women are welcome in the WWGA, whether you are a working professional, retiree or stay at home mom.  All levels of players are welcome.

The league plays on Wednesday nights and has options for both 9 and 18 hole players.   All league members use online tee scheduling each week using:  www.golfwaveland.com  select WWGA Wednesday Night League

The league year always begins with a kick off meeting where we complete league sign-ups and hold a business meeting.  League play usually starts in the beginning of May and ends in August.   During the league season there are weekly events – sometimes fun, sometimes challenging – and prizes are awarded to the event winners.

League closes with an end of year banquet and shot gun social event.


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