League Signup

We are excited to welcome back our current members and look forward to meeting new members this year.

We play on Wednesdays.

  • 9-hole members play both front and back 9.  18 hole members can plan any day or time.  Each member will be scheduling using Waveland Online Tee Time app.  www.golfwaveland.com


  • Green and cart fees are paid weekly at the clubhouse prior to play.
  • If you would like to have an official GHIN handicap, ask Waveland or sign up with USGA GHIN.
  • League dues and registration due before or on the day of Kickoff (mid April) to reserve previous season’s tee time.  All Tee times will be open for new teams if payment of all members.
  • Socials will be shotgun starts and Board will decide if social events will be held.  Check email for announcements!
  • League Fee Checks should be made payable to WWGA, Beverly Helverson, 184 Bridgewood Drive, WDM 50266 or pay at Kick-off event.
  9-hole Players  18-hole Players
League Fee $50 $50
Handicap Fee (Optional) $40 @ Wave or $47 GHIN app $40 @ Wave or $47 GHIN app
Weekly Green Fees wo cart (payable on golf nights)  $20  $27

Tee Times

  • We will accept league fees on or before April 17 Kickoff.  Waveland is using an online Tee Time scheduling app. At Kickoff event, Waveland will demo tee time scheduling on-line application if needed.  First night of golf will have set tee-times for all registered members.  Then after first night each team will be responsible for scheduling your tee times each week.




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