When does the league play?
On Wednesday nights from First of May thru end of August.
When are the tee times?
9-hole tee times start at 3:00 on front 9 and 4:50 on Back 9.
Waveland Tee time scheduling: www.golfwaveland.com select WWGA Wednesday Night League: login with your email and password: wwga2023
What are the league fees?
The league fee is $50, which covers refreshments and prizes for the kickoff meeting and also goes toward any administration costs for the league. Handicap fees can be purchased at Waveland or sign up through the USGA GHIN app @ ghin.com to sign up.
Why should I have a handicap?
A golf handicap measures a player’s potential ability to achieve a certain score compared to an expert-amateur’s ability to do the same. Defined by a number, a handicap allows golfers to compete on an equal basis, which is great when playing in tournaments or other golf venues. If you are a scratch golfer, you have a zero handicap and are given no strokes to adjust your final score. The local golf association assesses the difficulty of the course, with a course rating and index. All 18 holes are rated in terms of difficulty, with the hardest hole given the “1 rating” and the easiest given the “18.” If you have a 7 handicap, then you are given strokes on the seven hardest rated holes, which allows you to be on the same level as a scratch golfer. If you have a handicap of 24, then you would get a handicap of two strokes on the six most difficult rated holes and one stroke on the rest. You must have at least 5 scores to establish a handicap.
Having a handicap allows you to track improvements to your game and is required if you are going to participate in an event that uses your handicap for score adjustment.
I already have a handicap at a club that I belong to. Do I need to sign up for a handicap for the Waveland league?
No. Your handicap is transferable to any course you play on.
League play has already started. Can I still join the league?
If league has started and you are interested in joining, contact Beverly Helverson, WWGA President at bhelvy5@gmail.com.
I’ve heard Waveland is a really hard course. Do I have to be a great golfer to play here?
Let’s face it. All courses have their own special challenges and hard means different things to different golfers. No, you do not have to be a great golfer to play here. Just come out and play. Enjoy the course, enjoy the golf and have a great time!
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