Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Women’s City Tournament
A brief discussion on women’s city tournament with a link to Women’s City Tournament page. Include a downloadable pdf link to the flyer we will be developing.
League Signup
A brief note about league sign up and schedule with a link to sign up page
Specific Demographics
Call outs to specific demographics – for example this would be a spot to do a special reach out to teachers and emphasize the networking opportunities of belonging to this golf league
Content about the league
The Home page will include content about the league including information about the 9 and 18 hole options, general information on events and social activities and key dates.
League Night
This is the content for League Night post. This is sample text. Click the green button above to download and icc file to add to the calendar on your phone.
Event #1
This is the content for Event #1. You will add/edit posts to create each event. The events will then show up on the home page calendar. They will also show up on the Schedule page. You will select the “Event” category from the Categories panel.
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